I actually dont know..hehe..i dont see anything common with me and the news except for i love gossip and CNN call it in a better term "news"..We went last saturday in phillips arena beside the CNN so my husband decide to take a picture of me and heather in a big letter CNN at the back...

See me??
I hope so...
My husband take the whole word of CNN he dont even care if i look small in the picture so pardon for the people who cant see me here...Well,thats the idea right?to see the word CNN behind me..
The reason were there?
we watch NBA that night but we arrived early because i want to walk for a while in the park in downtown atlanta and also dont really want to encounter heavy traffic in the city..
The park remind me actually of luneta park in philippines,the only difference is the fountain and the brick floor..I love the kids playing on the fountain..You ll see how innocent the children there on how the freedom of little soul dancing in the water of fountain while the other tourist including me enjoying taking picture of them..

Hey..hey there my 2 angel..dada and alex

Oh..theres my angel ;)
....by the way let's back to the news...
Have you watch Nancy Grace or O Reilly?
we watch it last night and one of the news actually "debate" caught my attention..It is about the 6Girls bully the 1 girl just because of hairbrush or 4 usd if im not mistaken..Call me rude but im happy that the girls will be presecuted as an adult..feel bad to the girl who they almost killed...They video the bullying and they plan to put in on my space and you tube to humilate the girl..Some say they also jealous because the girl is prettier than them that they decide to ganging up to her that turn into almost lost her concious...I pray justice will prevail with this one..I feel what her mom felt on her daughter seeing in that condition..So sad that this cheerleaders/student will having this miserable time in jail just because of 4 usd/brush..I mean,where's the mothers of this kids?how come they become so vicious just because of those stupid things...Arent the parents dont teach the good manners..
I hope they sentence like 5 years or more for what they did...
Anyway..heres the picture of are NBA game last saturday..Its hawk vs celtics..

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